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2025 Iowa FCCLA State Leadership Conference
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Event Schedule
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, March 24
12:00am CDT
DoubleTree Cedar Rapids
Iowa Events Displays
Exhibit Hall Pre-Function (Convention Center)
7:00am CDT
Conference Registration
Taft A (Convention Center)
7:30am CDT
Evaluator Check In (STAR Events)
Taft B (Convention Center)
8:00am CDT
Taft A (Convention Center)
8:30am CDT
Junior/Senior Breakfast
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
Evaluator Orientation (STAR Events)
Taft B (Convention Center)
STAR Event Check In
Lobby Lounge (Hotel)
9:00am CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
Leadership Expo
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
STAR Event - Baking and Pastry
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Career Investigation
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Chapter in Review Display
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Chapter in Review Portfolio
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Chapter Service Project Display
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Chapter Service Project Portfolio
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Culinary Arts
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Early Childhood Education
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Entrepreneurship
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Event Management
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Fashion Construction
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Fashion Design
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Focus on Children
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Food Innovations
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Interior Design
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Interpersonal Communications
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Job Interview
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Leadership
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - National Programs in Action
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Nutrition and Wellness
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Parliamentary Procedure
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Personal Finance
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Professional Presentation
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Promote and Publicize FCCLA
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Public Policy Advocate
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Repurpose and Redesign
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Say Yes to FCS Education
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Sports Nutrition
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Sustainability Challenge
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Teach or Train
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
STAR Event - Teaching Strategies
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
10:00am CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
11:00am CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
12:00pm CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
12:30pm CDT
Candidate Meet & Greet
Grand Ballroom C (Convention Center)
1:00pm CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
2:00pm CDT
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom C (Convention Center)
Breakout Session
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
Grilled Cheese Championships
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
3:00pm CDT
Iowa Event Display Clean Up
Exhibit Hall Pre-Function (Convention Center)
6:00pm CDT
Fashion Show
Convention Center Pre-Function (Convention Center)
7:00pm CDT
Business & Recognition Session
Exhibit Hall A (Convention Center)
9:15pm CDT
Electronic State Officer Candidate Voting
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center),Convention Center Pre-Function...
9:30pm CDT
Social: Game Night
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
11:00pm CDT
DoubleTree Cedar Rapids
Filter By Date
Mar 23
25, 2025
, March 23
, March 24
, March 25
Filter By Venue
350 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401, USA
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
Convention Center Pre-Function (Convention Center)
Culinary LAbs (Kirkwood)
DoubleTree Cedar Rapids
Exhibit Hall A (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall A (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center),Convention
Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall Pre-Function (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom C (Convention Center)
Lobby Lounge (Hotel)
Parlor Ballroom (Hotel)
Room 304 (Hotel)
Room 316 (Hotel)
Taft A (Convention Center)
Taft B (Convention Center)
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Competitive Events
General Session
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, March 23
, March 24
, March 25
Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)
Convention Center Pre-Function (Convention Center)
Culinary LAbs (Kirkwood)
DoubleTree Cedar Rapids
Exhibit Hall A (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall A (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center),Convention
Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center)
Exhibit Hall Pre-Function (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom B (Convention Center)
Grand Ballroom C (Convention Center)
Lobby Lounge (Hotel)
Parlor Ballroom (Hotel)
Room 304 (Hotel)
Room 316 (Hotel)
Taft A (Convention Center)
Taft B (Convention Center)
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Session Type
Competitive Events
General Session
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