2025 Iowa FCCLA State Leadership Conference
Sunday, March 23

1:00pm CDT

1:30pm CDT

2:00pm CDT

3:00pm CDT

4:00pm CDT

5:00pm CDT

8:00pm CDT

11:00pm CDT

Monday, March 24

12:00am CDT

7:00am CDT

7:30am CDT

8:00am CDT

8:30am CDT

9:00am CDT

Breakout Session Grand Ballroom A (Convention Center) Leadership Expo Exhibit Hall B (Convention Center),Exhibit Hall C (Convention Center) STAR Event - Baking and Pastry Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Career Investigation Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Chapter in Review Display Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Chapter in Review Portfolio Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Chapter Service Project Display Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Chapter Service Project Portfolio Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Culinary Arts Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Early Childhood Education Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Entrepreneurship Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Event Management Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Fashion Construction Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Fashion Design Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Focus on Children Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Food Innovations Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Interior Design Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Interpersonal Communications Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Job Interview Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Leadership Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - National Programs in Action Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Nutrition and Wellness Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Parliamentary Procedure Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Personal Finance Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Professional Presentation Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Promote and Publicize FCCLA Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Public Policy Advocate Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Repurpose and Redesign Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Say Yes to FCS Education Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Sports Nutrition Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Sustainability Challenge Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Teach or Train Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel) STAR Event - Teaching Strategies Alliant Energy PowerHouse (Hotel)

10:00am CDT

11:00am CDT

12:00pm CDT

12:30pm CDT

1:00pm CDT

2:00pm CDT

3:00pm CDT

6:00pm CDT

7:00pm CDT

9:15pm CDT

9:30pm CDT

11:00pm CDT

Tuesday, March 25

12:00am CDT

8:00am CDT

8:50am CDT

9:30am CDT

10:30am CDT

11:15am CDT

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